Established in February of 2014, with the goal of creating one united youth hockey association in Lansing, Michigan. This organization incorporates the over 60-year-old tradition of GLAHA (Greater Lansing Youth Hockey Association) along with the players under the Lansing Spartans umbrella and is led by the hockey expertise of the Biggby Coffee Ice Cube East Lansing. The Lansing Hockey Club offers youth hockey teams at the house (B) and travel (A and AA) levels in the Mite through Midget age divisions, along with our 8 & Under program for ages 4 and up. Kids can join the Sparties - Level 1(ages 4-7), Mini MItes - Level 2(ages 5-11) or Mites - Level 3(ages 7-9). The Lansing Hockey Club is also a member of the Biggby Coffee Hockey Club, providing Tier 1 Hockey opportunities for all levels of hockey from Pee Wee through Midget for all District 6 communities.